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We will fight for them because they cannot fight alone. They need our help, our love and our support. They need US, the collective HUMAN us. Let us rise together to help them. Our brothers, sisters, children and friends.
In 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services declared the problem of opioid addiction in the United States an epidemic.
Many Americans are familiar with the opioid epidemic headlines dominating the news. A likely byproduct of the overall disruptions and stress induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, preventable opioid overdose deaths increased 41% in 2020 and another 18% in 2021. The 35- to 44-year-old age group is experiencing the most opioid overdose deaths – 20,137 – a 20% increase from 2020 and a 73% increase since 2019. Currently, 71% of preventable opioid deaths occur among those ages 25 to 54, and the number of deaths among individuals 55 and older is growing rapidly. Few opioid deaths occur among children younger than 15.
Too many of us know what it’s like to watch someone spiral out of control beyond the reach of friends and family. We can ride the waves of addiction by their side, cheering them on when they break away from it, crying with them when they get pulled back in.
Collectively, we are the families, the friends, the addicts, the people who have and always will refer to themselves as in recovery. We are all of these labels together.
We will fight for our loved ones. We will fight for the people we do not know, those who cannot love themselves. The ones who try every day to stay sober and who fight every hour to make a choice not to use. The ones who will use and swear "never again,'' the ones who make a pact with themselves every night before going to sleep that they will do better, try better, be better tomorrow. The ones who are no longer with us because they lost their battle, those promises they made to themselves never fulfilled.
Join us as we give our all to changing the outcome of the opioid epidemic, one soul at a time.
Together, we can make a difference.
Together, we will rise against addiction.
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